CONFERENCE HOTEL. A block of rooms is being reserved for participants at the Holiday Inn at the Southeast corner of campus. Please do not make your reservations with the hotel! The registration form has boxes to check regarding accommodations. All talks will take place at the hotel.

ACCOMMODATIONS. The conference room rate is roughly $100/night ($89+tax). Students will be paired with a same-gender roommate (there is room on the registration form to request a particular roommate). This is because we intend that all student participants in need of housing will be supported by institutional or grant funds. We anticipate funding to support faculty lodging as well, but only at the rate of sharing a room. Those preferring single accommodations must pay the remaining amount.

FOOD. Friday dinner, Saturday breakfast and lunch, and Sunday breakfast will all take place at the hotel. We plan to have Saturday night's Conference Banquet and Sunday's Closing Barbeque off campus. Please contact us to let us know if you have any special dietary needs.

CONFERENCE FEE. The amount of $110 will cover all of the expenses for food for the entire weekend, including snacks and coffee during breaks between talks. Again, we intend that all student participants will be supported by institutional or grant funds, and there is a box to check on the registration form to request a waiver of this fee.